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Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione: Fototeca Nazionale — Varotari Alessandro - sec. XVII - Gesù Bambino e san Giovannino Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione: Fototeca Nazionale
Varotari Alessandro - sec. XVII - Gesù Bambino e san Giovannino
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John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art — Sebastiano Mainardi. The Infant Christ Blessing the Kneeling Saint John the Baptist John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Sebastiano Mainardi. The Infant Christ Blessing the Kneeling Saint John the Baptist
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John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art — The Infant Christ Blessing the Kneeling St. John the Baptist. Sebastiano Mainardi John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
The Infant Christ Blessing the Kneeling St. John the Baptist. Sebastiano Mainardi
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National Gallery of Canada — Botticelli, Sandro. Two children National Gallery of Canada
Botticelli, Sandro. Two children
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Phoenix Art Museum — Anonimo fiorentino - sec. XV/ XVI - Gesù Bambino e san Giovannino Phoenix Art Museum
Anonimo fiorentino - sec. XV/ XVI - Gesù Bambino e san Giovannino
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Phoenix Art Museum — Francesco Botticini. Christ Child and Saint John Phoenix Art Museum
Francesco Botticini. Christ Child and Saint John
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Sotheby's — Leonardo da Vinci - ambito - sec. XVI - Gesù Bambino e san Giovannino Sotheby's
Leonardo da Vinci - ambito - sec. XVI - Gesù Bambino e san Giovannino
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