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The Art Institute of Chicago — Anonimo veneziano sec. XIII - Madonna con Bambino in trono, angeli e donatore The Art Institute of Chicago
Anonimo veneziano sec. XIII - Madonna con Bambino in trono, angeli e donatore
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The Art Institute of Chicago — The Virgin and Child, Angels, and devotee. Wing of Dipthych in the Ryerson Loan Collection. Chicago The Art Institute of Chicago
The Virgin and Child, Angels, and devotee. Wing of Dipthych in the Ryerson Loan Collection. Chicago
gelatina ai sali d'argento/ carta baritata
The Art Institute of Chicago — Crucifixion. Wing of dipthych. Ryerson Loan Collection. Chicago. The Art Institute of Chicago
Crucifixion. Wing of dipthych. Ryerson Loan Collection. Chicago.
gelatina ai sali d'argento/ carta baritata