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Prudence Cuming Associates — Stomer Matthias - sec. XVII - Adorazione dei pastori Puterbaugh, Rollyn — Attributed to Matthias Stomer. An old shepherd (fragment from an Adoration of the Shepherds?) Puterbaugh, Rollyn — Attr. to Matthias Stomer. Old shepherd (fragment of Ador. of Shepherds?) R. B. Fleming and Co. — Stomer Matthias - sec. XVII - Soldato che accende una candela R. B. Fleming and Co. — Stomer Matthias - sec. XVII - Adorazione dei pastori Sansoni, Mario — Stomer Matthias - sec. XVII - Cena in Emmaus Solaria Fotografia — Stomer Matthias - sec. XVII - Annunciazione Solaria Fotografia — Stomer Matthias - sec. XVII - Adorazione dei pastori Sotheby's — Matthias Stomer. The Judgement of Solomon Sotheby's — Stomer Matthias - sec. XVII - Cristo caricato della croce