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A. C. Cooper — Linthorst Jacobus - sec. XIX - Natura morta con vaso di fiori e nido con uova
A. C. Cooper Linthorst Jacobus - sec. XIX - Natura morta con vaso di fiori e nido con uova 1964 stampa fotomeccanica a mezzatinta A. C. Cooper — Mainardi Bastiano - (?) - sec. XV/ XVI - Madonna con Bambino e san Giovannino
A. C. Cooper Mainardi Bastiano - (?) - sec. XV/ XVI - Madonna con Bambino e san Giovannino 1964 gelatina ai sali d'argento/ carta baritata Anonimo — Batoni Pompeo Girolamo e bottega - sec. XVIII - Ritratto di Thomas Peter Giffard
Anonimo Batoni Pompeo Girolamo e bottega - sec. XVIII - Ritratto di Thomas Peter Giffard 1964 stampa fotomeccanica a mezzatinta Anonimo — Batoni Pompeo Girolamo - sec. XVIII - Ritratto di James Adam
Anonimo Batoni Pompeo Girolamo - sec. XVIII - Ritratto di James Adam 1964 stampa fotomeccanica a mezzatinta Anonimo — Batoni Pompeo Girolamo - sec. XVIII - Ritratto di Thomas Estcourt
Anonimo Batoni Pompeo Girolamo - sec. XVIII - Ritratto di Thomas Estcourt 1964 stampa fotomeccanica a mezzatinta Christie's — Bartolommeo Manfredi. Soldiers in Armour and Bravos playing Cards
Christie's Bartolommeo Manfredi. Soldiers in Armour and Bravos playing Cards 1964 stampa fotomeccanica a mezzatinta Christie's — Daniel Seghers and Erasmus Quellinus, A sculptured relief of the Pieta with Garlands of Roses, Morning Glory, Apple Blossom, Holly and other Flowers and Foliage
Christie's Daniel Seghers and Erasmus Quellinus, A sculptured relief of the Pieta with Garlands of Roses, Morning Glory, Apple Blossom, Holly and other Flowers and Foliage 1964 stampa fotomeccanica a mezzatinta Christie's — Simon Verelst. Carnations, Roses and Morning Glory tied with a blue ribbon, in a niche; and Camelias, Morning Glory and other Flowers tied with a red ribbon, in a niche
Christie's Simon Verelst. Carnations, Roses and Morning Glory tied with a blue ribbon, in a niche; and Camelias, Morning Glory and other Flowers tied with a red ribbon, in a niche 1964 stampa fotomeccanica a mezzatinta Christie's — Melchior D'Hondecoeter. A Cockerel, Hens and Chicks with two Dogs in a Landscape
Christie's Melchior D'Hondecoeter. A Cockerel, Hens and Chicks with two Dogs in a Landscape 1964 stampa fotomeccanica a mezzatinta Christie's — Melendez. A Still Life with a Branch of Apples suspended against a Wall
Christie's Melendez. A Still Life with a Branch of Apples suspended against a Wall 1964 stampa fotomeccanica a mezzatinta Sort by: Results shown:
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